Friday, September 17, 2010

Photography Internship

This was supposed to be a happy blog post. And maybe it still will be. I don't know. I'm questioning a lot of things tonight, which is likely why I'm not asleep at just after 2 a.m. I shouldn't really say questioning. Thinking is really more the word. I'm just amazed at how within a few hours, my mood has shifted from completely overjoyed and bouncy to brooding and upset. I'm typing this in the dark and as softly as possible because the last thing I need is my parents to wake up and come to my room to find out why I'm still awake. I'm not really in the mood to explain why I'm crying over my keyboard right now.

So I'll move on, turn this into the "happy" post it's supposed to be. I found out on Wednesday that I got a photography internship position at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto. And I am super thrilled. I applied for it in July, but after a month of not hearing from the guy, I figured it had gone to other people and moved on. So imagine my surprise when I checked my email on Tuesday and the man had sent an e-mail to many of the applicants stating that it had been a busy summer of events at the hotel and he was only now getting things organized for the fall. He asked if anyone is still interested.

Of course I e-mailed him back that I'm interested. He responded to me on Wednesday that he'd like me to start as soon as possible. I'm meeting him for lunch on Tuesday to finish setting everything up and I start right after that :D It's only 8 hours a week approximately (covering a 4-6 hour event and then editing and posting the photos) but it's good experience and can be used as a portfolio.

Okay. That's as happy as this post is getting. More later, for now I'm going to try and sleep. Or at least play my DS.

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