Thursday, September 23, 2010

Grumpy Me and 5 Good Things

It's strange. Everytime my life perks up a little bit, there's always something to bring me back down to reality, hard. It's not that I'm not grateful for the things i have or the people that surround me. Believe me, I am. If it weren't for the people in my life right now, I'd be a quivering ball of nothing.

I guess I'm just frustrated. Yesterday my parents were on my case again (and I suppose I'll admit I had it coming) about finishing school. I know they're worried about me, but somehow I don't think "She must have set some kind of record by now, being smart and yet managing to finish nothing" are the most encouraging words I've ever heard. I'm also pretty sure that at this point, my dad has just about given up on me. He basically told me to stop wasting my money, take whatever low paying job I can find and just work full time. I'm not going to lie, I've considered it a lot recently. I've been searching as well. At this point, I've temporarily resigned myself to having to take up a full time job as a receptionist just to survive.

Again, I know my parents love me and are concerned about me, but I wish they would stop pointing out that every other cousin/sibling I have all have degrees and are getting their master's and PhD's. I GET IT. I AM THE STUPID ONE. I'VE ALREADY COME TO ACCEPT IT (well, okay. Not really.)

I'll survive. This shall be my temporary mantra.

Anyway, because I need to perk myself up a bit, here's a list of 5 good things in my life right now:

-my family-because I know they love me
-my boyfriend (Tony)-because he keeps me sane <3 (or relatively sane).
-my friends=awesome
-my digital photography class-the prof is awesome, the class is fun and hands on, and we have a lot of laughs. Seriously, the prof is awesome. Who else could make 45 minutes of taking pictures of a wall fun?
-the fifth thing...hmm...I know there must be one...Sleep. Because I can escape from my problems and stresses for a little while (and yes, I know, that it isn't really healthy to try and avoid a problem by sleeping).


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